Ferret is transforming the way we establish trust by bringing relationship intelligence to your fingertips. Ferret mobile apps, web apps, and APIs will enable access to critical risk-related information, where we need it and when we need it. With Ferret, transparency will be the new norm.
Are you walking into a pitch with nothing but a LinkedIn profile and a referral?
You're responsible for managing other people's money. Make sure you've got the right tool.
Digital Platforms make our lives easier but also bring us closer to strangers every day.
We all have more contacts than ever and can't possibly check all of their histories.
You frequently meet people with extraordinary claims and great opportunities for you.
Ferret does the research so you don’t have to.
We all have more contacts than ever and can’t possibly check all of their histories.
You don’t think twice about having antivirus software on your computer. Time to apply that to your social networks.
You’re responsible for managing other people’s money. Make sure you’ve got the right tool.
If you can access this data now, can you afford not to?
Are you walking into a pitch with nothing but a LinkedIn profile and a referral?
Protect your assets and your reputation with Ferret.